Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar
Foto:  Finn Larsen
In the national park "Pan de Azúcar" about 30 kilometres north of Chañaral you will find yourself  in another world. The settings of nature here will not stop - and if you want to  meet the  Copiapoas and the guanacoes  you have found the right  place.  The national park  has an area  on 43.754 hectare, the climate is subtropical, but with moderate temperatures all year round: the lowest average temperature is 12,3°C - and the highest is 19,3°C. However the nights might be quite chilly: in July 2006 (winter) I experienced  temperatures around 5° - 10°C. Even though the temperatures are moderate in the summer as well, the light on sunny days is so bright and burning that  most Copiapoas are covered by a white waxy surface which protects the plants from the sun and reduces the evaporation.  The wax gives the plants a characteristic, whitewashed look. The waxy coating is only created if the plants are exposed to ultraviolet rays and will only be created sporadically under glass in a greenhouse.
Copiapoa columna alba Copiapoa columna alba Copiapoa columna alba Copiapoa columna alba Copiapoa columna-alba (melanohystrix)
  Copiapoa columna-alba  Copiapoa columna-alba Copiapoa
f. cristata
Copiapoa columna-alba (melanohystrix) Copiapoa columna-alba Copiapoa columna-alba (melanohystrix) Copiapoa columna-alba forma monstrosus Copiapoa longistaminea
 A rest among Copiapoa
Landscape with Copiapoa

f. monstrosus
Copiapoa longistaminea 
Copiapoa longistaminea Copiapoa laui Copiapoa esmeraldana Copiapoa esmeraldana Copiapoa hypogaea
Copiapoa longistaminea    Copiapoa

 Copiapoa esmeraldana 
Copiapoa sp. 'Guanillos'
Copiapoa esmeraldana
Copiapoa hypogaea Copiapoa grandiflora Landscape My tent
Map of Chile

Landscape in
Pan de Azúcar
Misty morning
 Map of Chile
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