Caldera we continue to Copiapo in heavy fog which makes it more
difficult to drive. About 20 kilometres from Caldera we come to an
interesting place where no cacti were found but only carpets of Tillandsia lembkei.
The plants only gets its water and nutrients from the fog! - though they
are settled on the ground they don't have any roots at all. Close to Copiapo we find the first population of Copiapoa megarhiza which means the Copiapoa
with thick roots. Later in the outskirts of the town we found another
population whith healthy grown plants. Unfortunately we didn't observe
any young plants or seedlings.
Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa megarhiza |
megarhiza |
Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa megarhiza |
Copiapoa megarhiza | Copiapoa
megarhiza |
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Copiapoa megarhiza | Opuntia
sphaerica in flower |
Tillandsia lembckei |
Map of Chile |