often come to La Serena to visit Elqui Valley which is a
very pleasant experience you should not miss. We know that we
might come across a certain subspecies of Copiapoa
coquimbata in the valley which is Copiapoa
coquimbata ssp. wagenknechtii. This
subspecies makes bigger plants and have much stronger spination.
Halfway up the valley we make a turn and drive towards the 2
observatories. But a few hundred meters up the road we are stopped by a
military gard who will not allow us to go further up the road to look
for plants. The military building only has windows on the roadside so we park
a little out of the way and sneek behind the post and
there we find nice plants on the hills. We take some slides and sneek
the same way back without problems. Eriosyce senilis also grow in Elqui Valley.
Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii |
Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Copiapoa coquimbata var. wagenknechtii | Eriosyce
senilis |
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